The Nebraska Star Party

Nebraska Star Party Logo

Next Star Party

July 20th – 25th, 2025


Merritt Reservoir
Valentine, Nebraska

Beginner's Field School

The beginner’s astronomy field school offers a three-day introductory course for amateur astronomers. The first day covers basics like star party etiquette, navigating the sky with charts and software, and binocular selection. The second day delves into telescopes, eyepieces, and other essential gear. The final day focuses on what to look at, including deep-sky objects. This program provides a solid foundation for anyone interested in exploring the night sky.

What You'll Learn

Day 1: Intro to Astronomy

  1. Introduction to the Hobby of Amateur Astronomy
  2. Star Parties and Star Party Etiquette
  3. Finding your way around (charts, atlases and guide books, software)
  4. Binoculars (types and recommendations)

Day 2: Telescopes and equipment

  • Telescopes (optical types, mounting systems, etc.)
  • Eyepieces
  • Additional equipment (eyepiece cases, tools, etc.)

Day 3: What to look at

  • The Moon and Planets
  • Deep-sky Objects
  • Dark sky sites and light pollution.