The Nebraska Star Party

Nebraska Star Party Logo

Next Star Party

July 20th – 25th, 2025


Merritt Reservoir
Valentine, Nebraska


The center of activity at NSP will be the large tent on the Observing Field near the entrance to  the Snake Campground.  Activities under the NSP Tent are: meal service, night time constellation talks, and door prize giveaways.  The exception will be Wednesday, when activities will be moved to the high school in the town of Valentine. 

While breakfasts and lunches will be on your own, we’re delighted to offer the convenience of plentiful, affordable and just plain darn good catered meals on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, served on the Observing Field. The cost of these meals is $16 for adults and $12 for children 10 and under. These hearty meals have garnered rave reviews! All include an ample entree, side dishes, dessert and drinks to fill you up in the tradition of the western chuck wagon.

The following tentative lineup of events is subject to change, but the week will look a lot like this:


Registration and Check-In, 4-6:30 PM, at Boardman Campground

Optional Barbecue Chicken Dinner, 7-8 PM, NSP Tent on the Observing Field

Observation, Dusk ’til Dawn, Observing Field

Swap Meet/Vendor Sales – 6:00 PM to Dusk by NSP Tent at Observing Field


Registration and Check-In, 5-6:30 PM, at Boardman Campground

Beginner’s Field School, 2-4 PM, Valentine High School

Optional BBQ Beef Sandwich Dinner, 7-8 PM, NSP Tent on the Observing Field

Swap Meet/Vendor Sales – 6:00 PM to Dusk by NSP Tent at Observing Field

Observation, Dusk ’til Dawn, Observing Field


Registration and Check-In, 5-6:30 PM, at Boardman Campground

Beginner’s Field School, 2-4 PM, Valentine High School

Optional “Cattle Country” Burger Bash, 7-8 PM, Tent on the Observing Field

Swap Meet/Vendor Sales – 6:00 PM to Dusk by NSP Tent at Observing Field

Observation, Dusk ’til Dawn, Observing Field


(at Valentine High School)

Registration and Check-In, 10 AM – Noon

Beginner’s Field School, 10 AM – Noon

Swap Meet, 10 AM – 4PM

Pizza Lunch Buffet, Noon-1 PM

Astro photo contest judging

Speaker Programs, 1-4 PM

Children’s Programs, 1-4 PM

Contest Awards and Door Prizes

Evening Meal on your own

Observation, Dusk ’til Dawn, Observing Field


Open Day – No NSP events scheduled

9-3pm Optional Brewers Canoe/Float Trip down Niobrara

7-8pm Optional Marinated Pork or Chicken Dinner, NSP Tent on the Observing Field

Observation, Dusk ’til Dawn, Observing Field


Open Day – No NSP events scheduled

9-3pm Optional Brewers Canoe/Float Trip down Niobrara

Evening Meal on your own

Public Star Party, 9:00 PM, Observing Field